*Don't* Sit Up Straight

"Sit up Straight!”—it’s right up there with the greatest hits of “Clean Your Room”, “Eat Your Veggies” and “Brush Your Teeth”—it’s a command drilled into us from childhood…because sitting up straight is something that all good children (not to mention grown-ups) do…right?

Well, what if I were to say that we really *shouldn’t* sit up straight, at least, not in the way that most of us think? Now, I know I’m sounding a little revolutionary (!)… but bear with me.

Try this:
“Sit Up Straight” right now. Observe the feeling of this posture in the body. For most of us, “Sitting Up Straight” means jerking up through the spine, puffing out our chest and yanking our shoulders down; an uncomfortable, unnatural—not to mention unsustainable—position to hold.

All the more so considering that a lot of us spend a LOT of time sitting. According to Safe Work Australia, adults spend 8-10 hours on average in a sedentary position each day and "50% of Australian workers have jobs that involve sitting at least some of the time.”

Sitting in compromised positions—whether that be straining to sit up ‘straight’, slouching and hunching, or propped up awkwardly on a pillow or two (hello to everyone on a phone/laptop/device in bed reading this!) all contribute to aches, pains, tightness, stiffness, and ultimately, to injury.
The secret is, we can still sit ‘straight’ in a way that is relaxed, tension free, and sustainable.

Let’s give it a try:
First, remember to breathe. Breathe right down into the belly, making sure the belly is relaxed. Wiggle your hips right back into the back of the chair—note that this should feel good and give the sense of a solid base or foundation… it should not feel awkward, tight, or strained.
Maintaining this solid, relaxed base, gently roll the shoulders up and back so there’s a sense of openness in the chest. Remember, the shoulders should feel relaxed and comfortable in this position.
Sitting this way might feel super relaxed… almost too relaxed—especially for those of us who unconsciously strain and sit tensely when we are busy, focused or engaged. However, we can be just as engaged with the world (indeed even more so) maintaining this relaxed posture. Don’t believe us? Have someone take a photo of this new way of sitting.. it might be surprising to see just how good it looks!

If you'd like to learn more about sitting and/or what's blocking book for a free callor call us on 3876 9990.

Michael Ridgway