What does Nerve Irritation have to do with stubborn pain?
Last week a client said to me,
"I have pain in my back that won’t settle down,
why doesn’t it just get better and heal with time?"
My reply, "A common reason for pain not settling is nerve irritation."
I tested this client with a specific nerve gliding test
involving moving their back and leg [sciatic] nerve.
At a specific point during this movement,
the muscles deep in their back suddenly grabbed.
I explained, "This muscle grabbing shows us there is nerve irritation.
These muscles in your back grab (contract) to protect the nerve irritation.
The nerve irritation is one of the problems that is causing your stiffness, tightness, aches and pains.
Nerves are the most sensitive parts of our body.
While this nerve irritation persists then the pain will only settle temporarily and then return."
I used hands-on treatment to settle the nerve irritation and there was some immediate relief in the back pain.
I then did hands-on treatment to relieve the strain that had built up in the low back
and the client became pain-free.
The original founder physio-guru for nerve irritation techniques
is the late Bob Elvey from Perth.
If you would like to learn more details about nerve irritation
and some of the neuroscience behind it then see Youngify website Nerve Irritation page »