A Muscle Tear Healed In 14 Days😮–How Is That Possible?

I was taught that a torn muscle needs 6 weeks to heal

and in that time icing, resting and gradual exercise was the best approach.

This appears to make logical sense–why question it?

The shock first happened for me years ago when I tested a freshly torn hamstring muscle,

its strength was zero–as expected.

This client couldn't put weight on their leg because it was too painful–they needed crutches to walk. There was a palpable divet in the area of the tear, internal purple bruising tracked down to the back of the knee and back of the calf with the settling of the blood (from gravity drawing it downwards). The client was despondent and frustrated that it looked like they were going to miss their upcoming hiking holiday in Tasmania.

I didn't want to settle with what I was taught if better was possible.

I previously discovered that other conditions could improve dramatically and immediately–what might be possible with this muscle tear?

So I went searching to see if anything could get better improvements.

I tried a release to a problem in their back with them lying face down on the table,

and I retested the hamstring muscle strength during this release by asking them to bend their knee, and raising their foot towards the ceiling.

To both our surprise, the hamstring strength immediately increased by 10%.

I thought to myself if that release got 10% what happens if I repeat the release?

I repeated the release and we discovered an increase to 20% strength.

I continued with his logic and by the end of the appointment, this torn hamstring muscle was at 30% strength, and 30% less pain.

That's 0% to 30% strength in one appointment

...with a partially, freshly torn muscle!

That is not possible according to what I was taught.

This client ended up enjoying their hiking holiday with no problems.

What was I to do with this experience?

If I followed what I was taught then I’d still be wondering why people would want to see me when they could let a muscle tear get better over time with things they can do themselves like resting, icing and exercises?

I want to provide care that fixes a painful problem, not let clients wait until they may get better with time.

So, I didn’t stop there–I went on to figure out why and how we can get more rapid results and better improvements for most torn muscles.

If you'd like to read on–I'll explain, it is about neuroscience.

Like the case above and other more recent cases further below,

most muscle tears damage some fibres and leave most fibres intact.

To put it another way, most of the muscle fibres are strong and function well.

When some fibres tear it's the nervous system's reaction that protects the muscle–it actually over-protects the muscle.

It’s this over-protection of the nervous system that creates pain and weakness.

I think it makes sense to overprotect initially, to ensure no further damage.

And once the Main Problem and the torn muscle are being well cared for then the overprotection isn’t required.

Then the nervous system calms down and allows the remaining good, strong muscle fibres to work well without pain.

The fewer, torn muscle fibres can heal by themselves without pain.

I'm convinced the torn muscle fibres heal much faster than the 6 weeks we are taught

and they heal stronger when the protection of the nervous system is reduced.

To tell you the truth I see this type of understanding is a big deal in our industry.

Something that is transforming pain and injury care.

And you heard it first right here! 😊

Below is another example of a muscle tear healing in 14 days,

how can I not enjoy doing it this for Youngify clients?! 💪


A Case Of A Torn Calf Muscle:

Jocelyn limped into Youngify 9 days after suffering a 42 x 22mm tear in her left calf muscle (shown on ultrasound scan) and no improvement with rest, she was in a lot of pain and struggling to stand on her leg.

She was worried about this being a long-term injury and that it would mean having to avoid exercise, healthy activity and other things she enjoyed in life.

At her first appointment, Jocelyn couldn't stand on her left leg, lift her heel off the ground or stretch her calf behind her.

Her goal was to be able to walk without a limp, climb stairs again and exercise pain-free and have no long-term damage or weakness.

Jocelyn attended daily appointments initially and then 14 days later Jocelyn walked with no limp, did calf raises without pain, was able to climb stairs with no pain and exercised fully, and she remains this way more than one year later.

More examples, including a quadricep muscle tear that healed fully in 14 days are at the Youngify website: Results After Treatment

Michael Ridgway