Neuroscience shows the Main Problem

I say,

"Don’t treat pain.

Treat the Main Problem instead.

Neuroscience shows the main problem."

Educators and researchers tell us that once healing has occurred there APPEARS to be no physical reason for the pain.

I say, why not look around before jumping to that conclusion?!

I also say,

"Telling people that there's nothing physically wrong is gaslighting.

I've seen multiple reports in the news recently about new 'pain treatments' by top researchers.

But, pain is a symptom only.

Address the Main Problem and the pain is gone."

When we look throughout the body at Youngify,
we see that the nervous system physically protects the Main Problem.

Measure the nervous system protection throughout the body and we see many physical problems.

We work out the Main Problem(s),

we address this and the pain is gone,

full movement and full strength returns.

It’s not rocket science.

It’s Neuroscience!

This applies to nearly all nerve pain, sciatica, muscle pain, disc pain, ligament pain, joint pain, cartilage pain, referred pain, chronic pain, and acute pain... you name it.

See the results for yourself:

By Michael Ridgway

Principal Youngify–Where Neuroscience Meets Physiotherapy.

Michael Ridgway