Are you working from home?

Are you working from home?

It can be a challenge to work at home,

and doing this with a poor position can add up.

Multiple clients have explained they are suffering pain 

as a result of their postures when working from home.

One client told me last week that they had just started working from home.

He usually did most of his job at a computer at work. 

And now he was going to be doing the same work from the dining room table in his home apartment.

He was shocked to tell me that within that first day of working at his dining room table, 

he began experiencing neck and shoulder pain. 

He was concerned about what working at home would mean for his pain over the coming days and weeks.

In one study done at the University of Queensland*, 61% of office workers had neck pain at one time.

Have you considered your posture while working at home?

Are your back and shoulder-neck muscles relaxed like soft meat?

The Youngify team recommend you minimise accumulation of strain

by not tensioning structures for long periods.

Jessica’s body is much happier when she finds ways 

to make her posture better.

Working at home posture check is in the image at the ‘blog’ page.

Johnston, Venerina (2007). Work-Related Neck Pain in Female Office Workers: A Psychosocial and Physiological Profile. PhD Thesis, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Queensland.